One of many full arch restoration cases we've done!
Before and After!
New Maxillary Anterior 6 Teeth (Crowns fabricated by us personally)
In-House Temporary Teeth. (Milled in house same day)
Bottom left is before
Top is later on that day
Patient Lost all anterior teeth excluding molars. We extracted the hopeless teeth, placed 4 implants and splinted them together with a bridge.
Patient was missing multiple teeth and had a removeable partial. We placed implants in the missing spaces and did an anterior implant bridge.
Patient didn't want a full coverage crown. Tooth was broken down with decay. We prepared the tooth for a four surface onlay. No adjustments at delivery and rebuilt the tooth.
Broken Anterior Lateral Incisor - Extracted and implant placed and restored with a single tooth crown.
"Bonding" on Front teeth --replacement of old yellow filling
Two Anterior Bridges, tooth supported from canine to canine, (implants bridges in posterior premolar to molars)
Patient presented with no posterior teeth and half the front teeth missing.
Our crown prep is on the left. The margin is perfectly smooth. Our crown seen in the mouth mirror, fit perfectly, and seals perfectly.
The crown on the right is an old crown, note the open margin between the crown and the tooth root. Not only is an open margin rough to the tongue, but runs a high risk of getting a cavity under that crown.
Crown prep on a molar. Note how perfectly smooth the margins are. The permanent crown sat and sealed perfectly and will last a long long time. We use retraction cord to displace the gingiva away from the tooth so the lab can fabricate a perfect fitting restoration
The black on the surface of the tooth is staining from the metal filling that was present
Crowns on lateral incisors; they were congenitally deformed. There is a little tissue irritation from the temporaries that goes away after a few days.
Crown prep on the Molar, very last tooth in the picture
Different molar crown seated. Little Lighter than the other teeth. Margin fits perfect though
We take a seat picture of every crown prior to cementation. If the margins don't look perfect like this, then the case is remade until it's perfect.
What you look for is the transition from the crown to the root of the tooth. It should be perfectly smooth. No ledge or gap present.
Prep after crown was removed. Large cavity near the gumline on the tooth
Tooth after cavity has been removed and prep refined. The margins of the crown prep are now very smooth, and all the decay was taken out. The black spot on the tooth is stained tooth structure from the old metal based crown (PFM)
Tooth was fractured inside. The fracture extended through the tooth, and had to be taken out and replaced with an implant.
Ceramic Crowns vs PFM Crowns
Our crown is the canine. The one that you can't see the margin, since we hide it below the gumline.
Behind our crown is a tooth with a ill-fitting resin filling near the gumline.
The front teeth are PFM crowns. The patient reports they were seated within the past 5 years.
Crowns on peg lateral teeth (congenital condition)
Our work. Note the very smooth beautiful margins. Great taper form. This crown will last a very long time